6 Incredible Tips to Getting Tangible Results with your Art

The manifestation formula of visualizing and taking inspired action works, but, it works effectively when you understand that the power is in the tangible part of the equation: Visualization (Creates emotional connection) + Inspired Action = Manifestation

Visualizing and journaling move you in the direction of creating and experiencing what you want in your life but another helpful rule of thumb is that tangible experiences create tangible results. Time and time again it has been reaffirmed to me that action is what makes dreams reality, otherwise, dreams are just ideas that come and go.

Ideas become tangible things through us.

We are intelligent organic-material organisms who bring real things into this world. We often take for granted our ability to take inspiration and make it into beautiful and cathartic works of art, but it has and will always be available to us.

There is just something about… taking a mental picture and using the hands to create it, look at it, think about it, and re-experience it. For that to happen I have noted 6 tips that have made this process much easier.

Tip #1 Organize for Success


    • Writing your ideas down is always step #1. Choose one place to put all your ideas so they don’t become lost or forgotten.
    • Give everything a place. I find it useful to know where my supplies are so that I can get to work right away and not delay.

Limit the Stuff

    • Buy what you plan to use in the next 6 months and don’t accumulate excess supplies. Accumulation of stuff can lead to you getting overwhelmed with a plethora of shoulda-coulda-woulda ideas. Plus, it can be so much more adventurous to repurpose your current supplies rather than buy new ones.

Tip #2 Make it Quick

    • Inspiration often STRIKES. Creatives tend to be flooded with many ideas at once. Once an idea strikes, write it down and work on it. A sketchbook-journal may come in handy or you can attempt to create the first draft right away. You have ample opportunities to modify the idea or work later but first CREATE.

Tip #3 Flood the Senses

    • Buying art supplies isn’t enough. Gather what you need and give yourself ten minutes to get lost in the work. Touch the paper, smell the paint, listen to the brush glide along the paper. Art is a sensual experience that calls for the senses to awaken. Think of how going to the art store feels much like what a candy store is to a child.

Tip #4 Limit Entertainment and Leisure

    • Productivity happens when you make time for it. Set a max or cap for your entertainment time. Once you reach the maximum get productive. You might be surprised at how much free time you have to get work done. TV is cool and all but living life is far more fulfilling. I’m guilty of spending copious amounts of time vicariously living through characters from books and movies. I put a stop to that years ago and the growth I experienced in my social, personal, and professional life soon after accelerated.

Tip #5 Breathe and Take a Day or Two Off

    • I always liked the idea of being a workaholic, but I love listening to my body as well. Get the rest and rejuvenation you need to come back refreshed. This is an absolute necessity to create compelling work. You may find that for you, inspiration comes exclusively from your downtime.

Tip #6 Put it Out There and In Front of an Audience

Accountability, Accountability, Accountability

    • We tend to show up when it’s not just about us. A quiet caring woman can instinctually become a very protective mama-bear through motherhood. At this point in her life, she lives not only for herself but her child as well. It's a wonder why women have such a high pain intolerance.


    • Enjoying your own work is cute and humble but more meaningful when you are willing to be vulnerable and share it with the world.

Two-Way Street

    • We never do it alone. Find an audience, soul tribe, club, or group of people to share and discuss your work with. Art creates a dialogue so foster more of them. Learn how people respond to your work and connect that to how effective you are with your intention in creating it.

These 6 tips have brought more flow and function to every aspect of my life. By taking the time to apply them you create tangible experiences that will get you the tangible results you have been waiting for. Let's skip the waiting and get straight to the part where you make art!

Get the tools many have used to overcome fear, limiting beliefs, and blockages and create the life they desire by scheduling a sample coaching session with me at www.shantiacrowley.com/life-coaching, or continue to get a stream of inspiring creative entrepreneurial content from these blogs. As always, remember you are the creator of your reality. Transform your life from the inside out.
