Just Breathe

I am here to give you a reminder of what you already know and may have forgotten.

Just breathe.

Right, if only it were that easy.

Life is complicated, our calendars are filled, every minute is assigned, and there is never enough free time. How dare anyone tell me to just breathe? I have obligations, responsibilities, things to do, and people to see. 

Then I remember…

We create our calendars, we decide what we do with our time, we decide what matters. And when we fill up our time with endless things to do we are essentially saying that rest and peace of mind don’t deserve our attention nor a top priority. The only problem with that is similar to how the sun rises and sets, everything that is of life, has a cycle. Our rest needs to be more than a high priority. Our rest or our being-ness needs to be made in equal portion to our doing-ness. 

To live a simple life is to live a life free of excess and overactivity. Man’s best friend, the dog, is pledged to simplicity, he looks forward to his food, play, and rest.

Simple is the opposite of complicated and simple is what restores and maintains our energy. And, few things in this world are as simple as breathing. We take our breath for granted because it comes so naturally to us, but breathing deeply is akin to drinking a fresh glass of water. My favorite technique is called the 4x4 breathing technique. When I inhale and exhale I make sure to allow my diaphragm to expand and contract. Here is how to do the 4x4 breathing technique:

  1. Inhale for 4 seconds
  2. Hold it for 4 seconds
  3. Exhale for 4 seconds
  4. Pause for 4 seconds
  5. And Repeat

A 4x4 square is a great representation of balance, stability, and simplicity. 4x4 breathing has become my wake-up refresher in the morning, the soother I need in times of distress, my reset before falling asleep, a practice of gratitude, and a reminder of how life is so simple.

The mind is complex because it will throw at you every scenario and then some to maintain your survival, but the body is so simple. It needs movement, food, water, rest, and air.

From time to time I find myself taking shallow breaths or holding in my breath. How I breathe is a good representation of how I live my life. My shallow breaths imitate how I take on quick surface interactions while neglecting deep connections. Holding in my breath reveals how I am constantly bracing for impact instead of allowing my body to fully decompress and relax. Making sure to practice deep breathing throughout the day and tie it to moments of decompression, relaxation, and clarity has helped me immensely.

It seems apparent that how we breathe shapes how we live…so breathe well.

Get the tools many have used to overcome fear, limiting beliefs, and blockages and create the life they desire by scheduling a sample coaching session with me at www.shantiacrowley.com/life-coaching, or continue to get a stream of inspiring creative entrepreneurial content from these blogs. As always, remember you are the creator of your reality. Transform your life from the inside out.
