The Inner Work
How nice would it be to just manifest and enjoy all the varied pleasures that life has to offer? Sounds like a great idea…but then that feeling returns, the familiar pangs of the unresolved. Maybe it starts as an infrequent throb that builds to a searing wound. If you ignore it long enough it might go away, the heaviness of it left as a forgotten memory. Why bother with such heavy energy when you can bask in your achievements and success? But, no success in this world can buy you healing or the unavoidable exploration of depth and truth that calls to us, the inner work.
The inner work is more than just healing, it is energy moving through our bodies, our mind, and our spirit. It is the light that we work to keep lit from within. And it requires the wisdom of life experiences, and knowledge made available to us through nature, people, and every bit of information on the material and spiritual plane.
Sometimes it pains me to see others avoid their inner work like it's the plague. As a coach, I’ve learned to be aware of when to help others. Many, are addicted to their own suffering. They want to tell you about how broken they are while also proving that they have no intention of actually doing the work. I used to have a persistent urge to want to help people and they would flock to me for it, but I’m learning to see that I have to expect more from them, to expect less is an insult. So unless they are ready to do the work, I am energetically unavailable to be their sounding board for their “problems.”
When I set out to be intentional with my inner work, which I define as seeking to obtain a more loving and powerful state of existence, I began to fear less, worry less, and love more. What looked like a mountain to climb, became a slope to glide down. We fear the shadow because we think it might pull us down, but we are the ones who hold power over it. It is the shadow that fears us because we give power to its' existence. We are free to choose our path and it is our soul that chooses us on purpose. Though we have our doubts, we are well equipped to take the journey on. And along the way, we can achieve that beautiful state of happiness when we see that our struggles hold no real power over us. Then, all we have left to do is give thanks to our struggles for being the lessons we need to realize the strength that we’ve always had. Knowing this, are you ready to do the inner work?
Get the tools many have used to overcome fear, limiting beliefs, and blockages and create the life they desire by scheduling a coaching session with me at, or continue to get a stream of inspiring creative entrepreneurial content from these blogs. As always, remember you are the creator of your reality. Transform your life from the inside out.
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