The Magic of Femininity


Somewhere along the way women have become separated from accessing their true power. I see this in the women I work with who are stressed, medicated, anxious, partaking in relationships that do not serve them, are wandering through life confused, and seek escapism after every free chance. I firmly believe that life isn’t something we are supposed to escape from, but into. How does femininity play into this?  We are biologically hardwired as women to partake in femininity which is creative, messy, intuitive, soft, receptive, and restful energy. So why are we trying to do so much? Maybe it's because we feel like we have something to prove or a price to pay, to have it all?

Let’s talk about the having it all part. At this point in my life, I am coming to the realization that like many little girls I once had a much simpler dream. It looked something like just enjoying life, enjoying my family, and taking care of my responsibilities. But as early as seven I was hit with insecurity and the expectation that I needed to be special and do something big and I saw for myself that some men or the behaviors they displayed couldn’t be trusted, so I would have to become Beyonce in “Me, Myself, I.” I had to establish this brilliant career, be nice, sweet,  and look good while doing it. But, to that, I say, “He—-No!” 

Before we get into that part let’s focus on the fact that many of us women feel like we have to prove something to the world. This is made evident in how the women often do so much and receive so little in return. When did things get so out of hand? How can this beautiful creature who works full-time be expected to cook, clean, and nurture all in one? 

I love my independence but I am so, so not ok with slaving away to gain it. I am not ok with over-extending and doing a lot to achieve a lot. Masculine energy is about doing a lot to achieve a lot, feminine energy is the reverse. That's why men thrive in this busy world and why women get swallowed up in it. We as women have something even more incredible, we are receivers. We attract and bring to us our desires just by having them. We are the queens of manifestation because we harness the power to do so little to obtain them.

So how do we harness this power? We simplify, we make things easier, we do less. Currently, I am re-learning what it feels like to be a woman of feminine means, indulging in all of its glory. I have purposely positioned myself to enjoy a much more carefree lifestyle by cutting away at unnecessary obligations and energies that pull me down. And when I am alone, I nourish and take very good care of myself. When people offer me help or the thing I’ve been wanting, I no longer humbly scoot away in shame, I accept with a gracious thank you. I take the time to run my errands and schedule time to sleep in. Some may call this laziness, but in a few months when my manifestations continue to roll in I’ll be sure to reassure them it's feminine magic. What's even more incredible is that when we as women relax, so do our tribes. And when we turn the dial up on this natural machine of feminine energy, we draw to us life in all of its beautiful forms. So my fellow feminines, indulge and take-care.

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