4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life | Hit the Reset

It’s spring and I am ready for the great reset. The sun is shining longer and I can sense that this is the time to revitalize, clean out the dusty corners of life, bring in some pops of color, and most definitely get organized. In this article, I will go into depth on how you can revitalize this beautiful chapter in your life.

Cleaning and detoxing are literally and figuratively a reset. Think of every time you finished cleaning a space, the entire atmosphere feels different. Cleaning and detoxing make way for healthier, fresh, and abundant energy to flow in. There are four areas that always require tender love and care: your space, your mind, your body, and your spirit.

Your Space | Are there unnecessary objects taking up space in your Space? 

  • Clutter brings the mind into more confusion and turmoil. Take on a section of your space or home and clean it from top to bottom, left to right, and reorganize. Stagnant objects make for stagnant energy. If you want new experiences, people, and abundance to flow in, make space for them. 

Your Mind | What is your internal dialogue?

  • Listen to the words you use towards others or yourself. What kinds of words are creating your inner dialogue, are they mean, generous, fun, or neutral? Your outer reality works to match your inner reality. So, take care to detox your inner reality. Shift your inner reality through meditation, nature walks, journaling, affirmations, reading a book that inspires or intrigues you, and monitor what you consume on social media and for entertainment. The clutter in your mind gets in the way of you feeling good. Take out the mental clutter of negative emotions and nourish your mind with the good stuff.

Your Body | What are you eating and how are you moving? 

  • Hoarding, negative thoughts, and a negative body image go hand-in-hand. Keep your body active throughout the day. A stagnant body also creates a stagnant mind, neither of which like to be stagnant. Like a sitting body of water that becomes impure, our bodies can collect an excess of impurities. We have to keep everything flowing. If you're stuck at home do house chores for exercise and knock out two birds with one stone. Don’t overeat and listen to your off switch. Love up your fruits and veggies. And drink water. I tripled my water intake to match half my body weight. My fatigue, brain fog, and inflamed skin went away in exchange for energy, clarity, and a healthy complexion.

Your Spirit | How are you connecting? 

  • Life gets busy but we always have to make an effort to connect to ourselves and others. Journal and get to know yourself, set benchmarks, and make vision boards for long-term goals. When we feel purposeful we feel connected. If you don’t know what your purpose is, stop searching and start paying attention. Connect with everything and everyone around you, they are mirrors into your spirit, your purpose, and your essence.

I hope this gives you the motivation you need to get spring cleaning!

Get the tools many have used to overcome fear, limiting beliefs, and blockages and create the life they desire by scheduling a  coaching session with me at www.shantiacrowley.com/life-coaching, or continue to get a stream of inspiring creative entrepreneurial content from these blogs. As always, remember you are the creator of your reality. Transform your life from the inside out.
